Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 8 Thing 19

Discovery Exercise:1. Select any site/tool from the lists on Web 2.0 Awards or Recipes for Success. Explore the site you selected.2. Create a post about your discovery. What did you like or dislike about the tool? What were the site’s useful features? Could you see any applications for its use in a library setting?

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I found the coolest Award Winning Site in Galaxiki!!!!!! I get to create my own world!!!!!!! ( I guess you do have to buy a planet ~ but it is fun to explore anyway.Buying a planet was a little disappointing.) You have to scroll down quite a way to find it on the Web 2.0 Awards.

Galaxiki is the science fiction & fantasy galaxy that anyone can edit. Join the community, get your own solar system & help to build a new online world. A fantastic place for science fiction and fantasy lovers.

It is any ranked as a #2 site, but I was excited to discover it.

Here was a stumbled upon site that was within Galaxiki: It has 20 unusual out-of-this-world church buildings. I've been in one of them. Guess which one!!
Click on this:

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