Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oops ~ Week 6 Thing 15 skipped

This exercise was really informative. There were so many things to read.
The Library 2.0 Library Journal article was really applicable to us because of all thechanges we are experiencing every day.
For instance, the self check machine has really empowered the patrons to truly help themselves. Our job is to show them how easy it is. The one paragraph below:

At its most basic level, the Library 2.0 model gives library users a participatory role in the services libraries offer and the way they are used. Customers, should they desire, will be able to tailor library services to best meet their own needs. This can be done electronically, such as through the personalization of library web pages, or physically through new service options such as allowing customers to call impromptu book talks or discussion groups.

illustrates how we enable patrons to help themselves with the card catalogue, Suggest a Purchase, talking to the Web Master, and submitting comments and improvements to OPL's homepage.

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